- The resolution called for the resumption of negotiations. 决议要求恢复谈判。
- In any event, Mr Netanyahu hailed the outcome of the meeting in New York as the “resumption of negotiations without preconditions”. 无论如何,内塔尼亚胡对纽约会谈的结果大唱赞歌,称其是“无需预热就直接恢复的谈判”。
- What was important was a quick resumption of negotiations, said Hu. He added that Chinawould continue to play a constructive role in resolving the issue through peaceful means. 他说,重要的是尽快重新开始谈判。他补充道,中国将继续通过和平手段为解决此问题作出建设性贡献。当务之急是争取尽快复谈。中方将继续为和平解决伊朗核问题发挥建设性作用。
- Any renewal of negotiations will be welcomed. 恢复谈判的任何做法都值得欢迎。
- Mighty forces are in play in the present round of negotiations. 在当前这轮谈判中,各种较大的势力都在起作用。
- bring about a resumption of negotiation 促成谈判得以恢复
- They begin another round of negotiations today. 他们今天开始了另一轮的谈判。
- We are all delighted at the renewal of negotiation. 我们都对谈判能重新开始感到高兴。
- resumption of negotiations. 重开谈判
- The two sides have agreed on the date of negotiations. 双方商定了谈判日期。
- He said Russia favors a resumption of the six-party negotiations aimed at resolving the nuclear dispute. 他声称,俄罗斯更倾向于恢复旨在解决核争端的六方会谈。
- To us it was just a natural part of the resumption of sovereignty. 对我们来说,这只是中国恢复对香港行使主权必然的一部分。
- The talks this weekend capped a frenetic 10 days of negotiations. 周末的谈判为持续了10天的激烈谈判达到了顶峰。
- The resumption of specie payment appreciated the currency. 恢复给硬币,使币值更高。
- He also said that the Russian side on the resumption of direct negotiations between Serbia and Kosovo's proposal is of practical significance. 他还说,俄方有关恢复塞尔维亚和科索沃直接谈判的建议具有现实意义。
- The slowness of negotiations is stirring anxiety in some quarters. 进程缓慢的相关谈判磋商在一些地区引起焦虑不安。
- We are hoping for an early resumption of peace talks. 我们期盼着早日恢复和谈。
- All the signs at the moment point to an early resumption of the fighting. 此刻一切迹象都表明,战斗将会提前再打起来。
- What is the time for the resumption of adjourned games? 什么时候举行封局续弈?
- The newly elected president said he plans to contact Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon to discuss the resumption of peace negotiations between the two sides. 又名阿布马詹的阿巴斯眼前已有工作等著他处理。他的首要之务将是弭平占领区内日益升高的暴力事件,并恢复陷入停顿的和平进程。这位甫当选的主席表示,他打算与以色列总理夏隆联系,讨论以巴双方恢复和平协商事宜。